I read Man Repeller everyday. And I'm not talking just one 7:00 pm sweep of the site. I have it open on my computer all day and refresh it every few hours. I've probably read 97% of the pieces published from October until today.
That being said, the name Rosie Assoulin has become all too familiar .. But only in an abstract way. You know, like when your bestie gets this new bestie and won't shut up about her new "totally amazing and cool and Instagram savvy bestie!" for four months so therefore A) causes the word bestie to now be in your everyday vernacular against your will and B) makes you jump when someone was tagged in the new bestie's pic on Facebook because you just know that name. I know you know.
And eventually in that four month trajectory you'll click on the bestie's Facebook page and scroll through every picture until you hit a 2009 profile picture complete with side bangs and a tube top. So today, post-CDFA's, when I heard that Rosie Assoulin won an award, I jumped to her Facebook page. JK. I just Googled her. And scrolled and read for awhile, to find out that A) she is undeniably "totally amazing and cool!", B) her line consists of a whole bunch of clothes I would sell my soul for, and C) I want her to be my new bestie.

You've made it this far, and do you finally agree with me?! She is bestie goals. In fact, she is just flat out goals. But if I can't be her, I can just be best friends with her, right? And while I'm at it wear some of these drop-dead-roll-over-in-my-grave-but-in-a-good-way clothes. (; If you feel the same way and happen to have some spare couture change in your pocket(book), shop her collection below!

Happy shopping / lusting!
xx MGR

*photos via Rosie Assoulin

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