Happy Thoughts

Oh my goodness. Can I just tell you how pooped I am? I think my body's had enough. When I'm run down, I contract the worst of bad colds...without fail. And this time was no exception. I've been fighting through the day with a ceaseless headache, practically counting down the minutes until I was back in bed. It's 9:30 and I still haven't finished my homework. I don't like this. But thinking bright, happy thoughts are taking some of the sting away.

These cute studs
This pretty 'do
These chic sneaks
And above all, I have to say my "meh" playlist is helping, a lot.
Untitled #9

I just keep thinking about how close we are to the weekend! Let's do this!

xx MGR

PS: Special reminder that the vineyard vines Friends & Family will be this weekend. Check back for a post with my picks, and a promo code!
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