Everyone hates Monday... unless you are on spring break! I'm off of school for the next week, which I planned to be practicing lacrosse and sleeping in until 11:00, but will instead be at physical therapy [ I recently tore my ACL, which has, obviously, caused some problems in my life ]. I am scheduled to have surgery in about a week and a half. I am constantly finding myself, both mentally and physically, in the dumps because of this injury. It is quite depressing that I got a 6 month injury during the first week of practice, but I have to make the best of this. Even though I now have practice-free afternoons, I am not looking forward to a month of crutches. Here are some ways I have been trying to get my spirits up!

1 // Fake It Till You Make It
Somedays I feel like talking to no one and blocking everything and everyone around me. Everyone feels this way at one point during their lives, I feel it two to three times a week. Although not listening to anyone sounds like a good idea, it isn't. You just have to, quoting T Swift, "Shake it off." Whatever problem may be picking at you. This is quite a hard thing to do ... you just have to act happy! Smile and say positive things. No more of the "ugh, I hate school" or "I wish this day would be over." Eventually once you start smiling and being happy, you will start to feel happy and soon you won't be able to stop. :) all around!

2 // Do Something Good
I always feel my heart warm up when doing something that makes someone else happy. Whether it is holding the door for someone, giving a compliment, or helping someone with homework. I always find that the people who do good things will have good things come to them. Although this is a tough time in my life, I am trying to do something good everyday. For Lent, I didn't give up anything, but I chose to be a better person. I try and do at least one good thing a day for a friend, teacher, or family. Eventually your kindness will payoff and will come back to you. You can make someone's day by just simply saying hello to them. Kindness is key to living a happy life!

3 // It Could be Worse...
I am very fortunate to have a roof over my head, an education, clothing and food everyday, and a family that loves me. Many people are not so lucky and I have been fortunate enough to meet people who remind me of how grateful I should be for my life. Some people I have met have lost parents at very young ages, can't play sports because they need to work after school, or cannot afford to have lunch. Your drama is not that bad compared to some things people are going through. Again, I am grateful for what I have and everyone should be ... it could always be a whole lot worse.

4 // Distract Yourself
I always find it very relaxing to color a coloring book with music blasting in the background. I am always happy once I have completed a 'masterpiece' ie: Hello Kitty or Elsa. It good to do a non-stressful and fun activity during the day for at least five minutes. Maybe for other people it is doing a crossword, a Rubix cube, a puzzle, etc. Some people find sports relaxing, but I am not one of those people. Team sports come with a lot of pressure. To have a better day, just blast your music and focus on something else that you ENJOY doing. By the time you finish, you will have cleared your head and have a big grin on your face.

How do you Cheer up? Comment Below :)
xx, CMK

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