Who: me. mary grace. 15. high school sophomore. sleep deprived.
What: first day back at school after February break.
Where: new york. polar vortex pt II. home. school. home.
When: monday, february 23, 2015
6:40 : Harry Styles, is that you in my dream? Oh, nope, just Harry Styles luring me out of sleep. I don't want to wake up. Snooze.
6:49 : He's back. This can't be happening. I swear I just closed my eyes. Maybe if I turn the light on I'll be able to stay awake.
6:57 : No, my plan didn't work. Hm, I wonder what's going on on Instagram at this unGodly hour. And while I'm at it, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat. Oh, have to read my horoscope. Says today won't suck. I beg to differ. I wonder if I can squeeze in just a few more minutes.
7:00 : NO. Haul your ass out of bed. Skirt, check. Polo, check. Lulu's, check. Deodorant's running low, half check. Should I brush my hair? No. Was au natural a trend on the AW15 runways? Hope so. Either way, that's my excuse.
7:20 : YES. I have 10 minutes to watch the news. Not sure it's actually the news... I just really want to wrap myself up in that cableknit blanket. Do you think my mother started the car?
7:55 : Aha, I'm early. I bet all these people want to be me. I love holding doors open for strangers. What a time to be alive. Hm, my locker smells funny. Is that old yogurt or some kind of weird perfume? Gag. They're saying the Pledge. I'm late. It was a good run, though. It's all going downhill from here...
8:00 - 2:55 : Hello, hi. Stop asking me about my break. Oh, you got stuck in the airport last night? I want to feel bad for you, but I don't. Look, Mr. Fresh-Hair-Cut-and-New-Glasses-Latin-Teacher, I tried and that's all that matters. Move. Can I put my headphones in? Is anyone else freezing?! I'm sorry you slipped on ice. No, really, this time I actually feel bad. I'm starving. I think she just farted... Get out of my way. Do you think he knows I'm shopping online? Yes. I don't think he cares though. Smile, just smile. This class ended two minutes ago. I'm out, lady.
2:59 : My mom said she'd be here by now. Holy, holy, holy Lord is it cold. No, don't talk to me. I thought we already discussed our breaks. What's the temperature? Is that frostbite warning still in affect? MOM. Yep, I'm crying. The tears are freezing. Stare at me, I don't care.
3:05 : Yes, Mom. I am tired. Yes, cold. Yes, hungry. No, I'm not sick. No, it's not that time of the month. Maybe that was a lie. But yes, I'm going to keep crying. Yes, I want you to buy me food. No, I'll stay in the car. I'm still cold, by the way.
3:27 : Either I stood outside for too long or the heat isn't on. This is it, God hates me. Or maybe someone cursed me. I bet they drenched my voodoo doll in ice cold water, and then buried it in snow, and then shipped it to Antarctica. That's the only way to explain my subfreezing body temp, right?! There's no going back. MOM.
3:29 : Time to put on every sweatshirt I own. Where's all the cashmere? And that wool blanket?! I can't feel my extremities. WHY IS THE HEAT BROKEN. More tears. They're falling into my soup. Do I have homework? I'm Kim-Kardashian-sobbing now.
4:03: Who are you, random man in my driveway? MOM. Oh, you're fixing my heat?! GOD BLESS YOU. Someone loves me. There is hope. I have hope. Don't judge my outfit. They showed this at fashion week, sir. Hah, he doesn't know the difference. #fooledya
7:30 : Is this real life? Or is this fantasy? Wow, that's a good song. I don't think I've moved for three hours. Do you think this computer is literally frying my eyeballs? MOM. Am I home alone? I'm still cold. I haven't consumed food since 10:00 AM. But where's my family? Time to lie on the floor with the dog and cry.
8:15 : "FOOD'S HERE." God is showing his shining face again. In the form of chicken parm. No, these are happy tears, I promise. What's on Bravo tonight?
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