Ok, so I know -- yes, I do know -- that Coachella isn't a new thing. We, in fact, are the same age. So happy 16th birthday, Coachella! We're also similar in the fact that we're just getting better with time. Think of Coachella as a high school sophomore -- sure, maybe it hasn't peeked, but it sure as hell has grown out of its awkward stage and into its trying-really-damn-hard-to-be-cool stage, and I can assure you that it has succeeded. Coachella is the cool kid at school. You know the kind.

But what does this mean? It means that it's more accessible. Man Repeller published a piece last summer following the life-cycle of a trend, and Coachella is right there in the middle of it. And because of its popularity, we all get to experience it. Whether it be by actually buying a ticket to the festival, buying a ticket another festival, or just living your life as a festival. And for that reason, my friends, let's start shopping some festival-worthy fashion.

Today: tanks, blouses, crops, tees, bralettes. Anything and everything to cover your upper half.

I have tried to cover a plethora of sizes, colors, patterns, and trends. Except, if you haven't noticed, bright lace is kind of my weakness...

Stay tuned for more festival posts! I'm thinking: DIY distressed denim shorts, along with a denim shorts guide, a shoe guide, an accessory guide, and an essentials guide. LMK, friends!
xx MGR

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