Books Aside...What I'm Learning in High School

It's crazy to think how drastically school has changed for me since the first day. I walked in that morning scared out of my mind. I was feeling homesick in a building not too far from my home. All I wanted was to see a familiar face. I didn't know where I was going half the time, who anybody was, or where I stood in the school. But now, two or three weeks in, I feel like a pro.

I guess you could say that the first thing I learned is that high school will teach me much more than what's in my text books. I thought I had to tell you guys everything!

1 // Where I stand. Everybody hates the freshmen. I think even the freshmen hate the freshmen. I just shake my head when I see my classmates standing dead in front of a Senior's locker, flocking to the Juniors' hang out on the second floor, and sitting next to Sophomore's in the library. What I've learned: get out of the way...and let them cut you on the lunch line.

2 // How to make friends. I went to school with the same 25(ish) kids for 9 years. I had 9 years locked in a very tiny building to make friends with the twelve girls in my grade. It was in the least bit hard. I graduated with a group of friends I would do anything for. And now I'm thrown into a grade with 59 girls I've never seen before (minus my best friend since Kindergarten; thank God). What I've learned: have an open mind, be polite, smiley, and friendly, and start conversations with people.

3 // New York, New York. I guess it's been pretty apparent at this point that I'll be spending the next 4 years in the best city in the world. I take a lot of subway rides, do a lot of walking, and encounter my fair share of characters. What I've learned: iPhones aren't needed on the subway, don't lose your MetroCard, city folk don't like slow walkers, and be able to turn your blinders on.

4 // Lenient uniforms are fun! From Kindergarten to eighth grade I had the strictest uniform (which I had no problem breaking, but anyways...). I was genuinely amused when the entire Upper School had announcements and someone asked the Head of Upper School if we could wear black polo shirts, and she didn't even know the answer. The only requirements are that we have the school skirt and a collar on. I've had a handful of girls tell me I "pull off preppy well." I guess my Vans don't really cover up my identity..they're noticing all the vineyard vines. Ugh (not). What I've learned: stand out, be yourself, and accept and give compliments.

xx MGR

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