I really enjoy sharing elements of myself with you, our readers! Whether it's what I'm wearing, what I'm wanting, or what is happening in my life. But sometimes it's fun to share all those little bits and pieces of yourself! Here's 20 random facts about me!
1. My hair is usually in a ponytail.
1. My hair is usually in a ponytail.
2. I never leave the house without my jewelry on.
3. I have an American flag obsession.
4. I hate tights.
5. Blue is my favorite color..(#navyornothing)
6. I'll watch anything on Bravo.
7. I'm the baby of six (6) kids.
8. NYC is my happy place.
9. I don't really get Twitter.
10. Photographs are my favorite things.
11. Sequins. Enough said.
12. I'm dying to travel to Greece.
13. I would have an online shopping addiction, except I don't have a credit card.
14. Summer has become my favorite season.
15. I love to ski.
16. I adore arrows.
17. I'm addicted to Pinterest.
18. I'm a fast-walker.
19. I shower at night, never in the morning.
20. I put my all into this blog.
What's a random fact about you?
xx MGR
7. I'm the baby of six (6) kids.
8. NYC is my happy place.
9. I don't really get Twitter.
10. Photographs are my favorite things.
11. Sequins. Enough said.
12. I'm dying to travel to Greece.
13. I would have an online shopping addiction, except I don't have a credit card.
14. Summer has become my favorite season.
15. I love to ski.
16. I adore arrows.
17. I'm addicted to Pinterest.
18. I'm a fast-walker.
19. I shower at night, never in the morning.
20. I put my all into this blog.
What's a random fact about you?
xx MGR