365 Days of Pics Update

I have been into photos ever since I received my Cannon DSLR. I just love taking photos of friends, scenery, family, etc. I love looking back and laughing about how fun that night was, or how awkward I look. When I really look at photos I have taken, I just feel happy about how I made people laugh and smile. Maybe a photographer will be added to the list of jobs I want to do when I grow up (upcoming post?). As the month is coming to an end, I have been keeping up with my 14 in 2014. I have exactly 25 photos and they definitely represent my daily life. Although some are very random, I look back on them and I say, "!h that was the time I learned how to cook an egg," or "That time when I started Patrick's belt!" Here are some of my latest photos from 365 days of pics:
The beginning of the whale belt.
Twinning at lacrosse.
The day I became a mom to a sack of flour.
Late night thank you cards.
Working on the belt!
Pretty view from my room.

Cannot believe I already have 25 photos! Only 340 more photos to go!

What do you love about photos?
xx, CMK 
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