2. Run over 2 miles without stopping
3. Read (at least) 1 book per month
4. Cross a concert off my bucket list
5. Expand The Two Little Elephants
6. Improve photography skills
7. Get a summer job
8. Create a functioning closet set-up
9.Play varsity lacrosse
10.Explore a new place
11. Actually finish a needlepoint
12. Keep my room orderly..at.all.times.
13. Post (at least) 1 outfit post a month (JAN; FEB; MAR; APR; MAY; JUN)
14. Save $x,xxx
1.Go somewhere new (Deer Valley, Utah)
2. Do a month without eating meat
3. Run the Color Run
4.Make varsity field hockey
5. Take an art/design class
6. Expand The Two Little Elephants
7. Find a good everyday makeup routine
8.Learn calligraphy
9. Take a photo everyday and put it in a picture album
10. Go to 5 art museums/galleries
11. Needlepoint a belt for each of my brothers (1/2)
12.Learn how to get off the ski lift properly
13. Learn how to surf
14. Play more lacrosse
We are so excited for the new year to come because we know it is going to be a fun and exciting experience especially since we have the blog. We will be trying to improve skills, try something new, expand and explore, and take lots and lots of photos!
What are your goals for the New Year?
xx, MGR & CMK
7. Get a summer job
8. Create a functioning closet set-up
11. Actually finish a needlepoint
12. Keep my room orderly..at.all.times.
13. Post (at least) 1 outfit post a month (JAN; FEB; MAR; APR; MAY; JUN)
14. Save $x,xxx
2. Do a month without eating meat
3. Run the Color Run
5. Take an art/design class
6. Expand The Two Little Elephants
7. Find a good everyday makeup routine
9. Take a photo everyday and put it in a picture album
10. Go to 5 art museums/galleries
11. Needlepoint a belt for each of my brothers (1/2)
13. Learn how to surf
14. Play more lacrosse
We are so excited for the new year to come because we know it is going to be a fun and exciting experience especially since we have the blog. We will be trying to improve skills, try something new, expand and explore, and take lots and lots of photos!
What are your goals for the New Year?
xx, MGR & CMK