{Mini} Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes

My, oh my, what a better way to spend Saturday night in? My sis and I put our own spin on a cupcake recipe I've been dying to put into action.. As my mom put it, "Everything's better mini!" I agree!
 We had a tad bit too much fun documenting the adventure. My sister, mom, and I were all loving the different blue bowls mixed together. (For the longest time, we've had mismatched bowls and plates..a few months ago, my mom decided to bite the bullet and buy an entire matching set - blue floral Ralph Lauren perfection - but we still love to mix in our old gems!)
My sister had a fancy cupcake trick we tried out and the outcome was awesome! Preheat the oven to 350, and when you put the cupcakes in turn it down to 325 - the temperature will gradually decrease while they're cooking. This stops them from collapsing on themselves! I'm pretty sure it also gave them a crunch on top. 
We used this recipe via how sweet it is..It yields 12 regular sized cupcakes, but we came out with about 24 mini ones! Speaking of mini...we couldn't help ourselves after finding the cutest baking "tins" at Home Goods. Yellow stripes and scallops..but mini?! #swoon.
When we decided the buttercream frosting wouldn't be do-able with our limited ingredients, my mom created the perfect bite and paired a cupcake with a mini scoop of mint chip gelato. Too cute!
We recycled the remnants of some Betty Crocker frosting, whipped it up, and used a homemade piping bag to finish it off. And well, rainbow sprinkles, of course. (;

Which is better - full-sized or mini cupcakes?
xx MGR
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