Weekend Reading

- My brother sent out this article..I'm definitely the 'Life of the Party!'

- The Shopbop swimwear section has been my guilty pleasure...

- This week I finally shared my favorite Pinterests!

- CMK and I need this necklace.

- I'm loving everyone's workout blogposts (1, 2, 3, 4)..such cute outfits!

- I'm dying to stack rings..love this look.

- Cannot get enough of my running sneaks..need to put them back in use!

- CMK's Wanderlust Pinterest board is too, too good.

I've been totally pooped - for lack of a better word - all week..And I have to blame it on such a trying weekend (ie: night out in the city). I can't wait to spend time local, with the fam, relaxing this time around.

What are you up to this weekend?
xx MGR
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