The Perfect Jeans

I feel like I say this phrase everyday, every hour, and every minute "How long till Friday?" Ever since December break I have been counting down the days till Summer. Although, this year is flying by and it defiantly scares me because a couple kids in my class have already been committed to college. College for me seems like lightyears away, but it is only 1 or 2 until I start the tour. On the other hand, I realized that the only jeans that look good on me are expensive jeans. Once I purchased my first pair of citizens of humanity jeans, my mom just told me to never put back one those american eagle jeans and I never did. Lately, I have been trying on different brands and getting to know, which pair I truly like. It has been fun trying on different styles and brands, but I am going to have to narrow down the results soon. Here are the final 3...

Right now I am leaning toward the top pair just because they were so comfy! I just can't decide.... 
What are your favorite pair of jeans?
xx, CMK
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