I'm, well, in a slump, to put it simply. Anyone else finding this new semester to be utterly painful..already? I'm having a hard time collecting motivation when the end is nowhere in sight. 140 days until summer...140 too many.
Number fourteen on my list of random facts was, "Summer has become my favorite season." Key word: become. I used to loathe the summer..I hated the weather, the clothes, the beach, the overall sense of purposelessness. But, I can definitely say I've changed over the past couple years. Seriously, what I would do to be at the beach right now...... I've been drowning myself in this "summertime sadness;" looking through sunny photos, shopping for swimwear nonstop, dreaming of temps above 50 degrees (20 even!).
This summer was so good for me. As corny as it sounds, I think I was really the best version of myself. Running everyday, having plans with friends more often than not, and thoroughly enjoying myself. Maybe above the nice weather, the no homework, or the cute clothes, I really want summer back because of how good it all made me feel.
Not that I'm totally unhappy right now, I'm just having a hard time finding my footing. A new school, high school as it is, with new people and a completely new routine..it's really overwhelming. I think it's all leading me to yearn for the freedom and carefreeness of summer even more.
I'd be lying if I told you that in the past five months I haven't considered homeschooling..or even quitting high school all together and just blogging full time (I wish I wasn't serious).The thoughts still cross my mind everyday...why not? Working on my own schedule sounds oh so glorious. Maybe I'll split my time - 50% in school, 50% from home. Ah, if only. Before I make any big moves, I have just got to make it to Summer 2k14.
xx MGR
PS: This is quite raw - minimal planning, minimal editing..I just kinda wrote. Yay or nay?