40 Days of Growing

Lent has begun! For those who celebrate it, this means 40 days of sacrifice, 40 days of preparation, and 40 days of self discovery. And even if you don't have any religious ties, you might want to recognize these 40 days as well. Not only is it leading up to a major religious holiday, but also spring! Come Easter, spring should be in full force. And don't we always hear people talk about "spring cleaning?"
Growing up at Catholic school, Lent was always a big deal. Who's giving up soda, who's giving up the computer, who's dedicating their days to good deeds... Of course I was always gung-ho, and I think it taught me a lot. My friends, teachers, and family definitely taught me what it means to sacrifice. Except this year, Ash Wednesday rolled around with no warning. I was taken off guard! I hadn't put any thought into what I wanted to sacrifice for the next 40 days. So when my theology teacher brought up that in addition to sacrificing, we should also spend the time growing - doing good deeds, thinking hard through your decisions...being the best version of you - it really struck me.

This Lent, I didn't vow to sacrifice. Instead, I thought I should spend the upcoming 40 days being the best version of myself, and from that, growing as a human being. Maybe living as the best version of myself means embracing healthier foods, exercise, people, and actions. Maybe it means sacrificing things I take for granted and learning to appreciate them. Maybe it means working hard, staying positive, and moving up. I'm getting the idea it means all these things!

For me, this will be a religious journey. I will be dedicating myself to growing not only as a person, but as a Catholic. But for you, it doesn't have to be like that. I challenge you to spend the next 40 days growing - whatever that may mean for you. Be the best version of you, no matter what your motivations are!

Will you try this out?
xx MGR

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