Sea Island Photo Diary + Recap

beach club view on a cloudy day | pretty palm on the walk home
sweet pink blooms | Cottage 65 | palms on an empty beachfront lot | sunny beach stroll | pink + white hydrangea greet at the door
beach reading | picturesque centerpieces | Cottage 65

Home, sweet home! I got back from my Easter vacation last week and am so excited to share some amazing content with you all. I wish it could've gone up sooner, but I was immediately bombarded with schoolwork upon arriving home. Hope you all enjoy it now!

As for the vacation itself? It was eventful - but I won't bore you with the gory details (a little sibling drama, a hint of travel horror, and a dash of plumbing issues..#cringe). We finally arrived on Wednesday afternoon after a few plane delays and one annoying detour. We were surprised and disappointed at the chilly, windy, cloudy weather, but headed to the beach club anyway to find the rest of our crew. The clouds soon after turned into rain...three days of rain. The sky finally began to hint at sun on Easter Sunday, so after brunch, we camped out at the pool, wrapped in towels and sweatshirts. Finally (after several hours of waiting), the sun broke through the clouds and we were getting our tan on. The two and a half days we had left were unimaginably beautiful - sunny, blue skies, bright flowers, striking palm trees, bike rides, ice cream, and plenty of smiles. Of course we spent every waking minute of our last couple days camped out at the beach - from sunrise to sunset - trying to get the tiniest bit of a tan. What can I say? Eventually we had to say goodbye to everyone, and everything, and ended up back home. Snap back into reality!

I was recently asked on Tumblr for some suggestions for a Sea Island vacation. Of course I spent a good twenty minutes writing up my favorite things to do down there, but I finally realized that the place itself - the scenery, the people - and the company you're with really makes the trip so special. We had four days of torrential downpour in what's supposed to be the sunniest and most beautiful vacation spot you've ever dreamed of, but I still managed had the time of my life with my family.

And the most exciting part of it all - drumroll, please - my sister got engaged! Cheers to that!

xx, MGR

PS: We hit 10k on Tumblr while I was away! Stay tuned for a celebratory giveaway very soon!
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