Summer is so close I can almost taste it. The end of school has snuck up and took me by surprise! I start finals next week, and they wrap up at the end of the following week. So of course the most popular question as of late: what are you doing this summer?
Me? Summer plans? Hah! I'm not one for concrete, structured summers. A summer job is practically imminent at this point, but my parents and I both decided that it can wait until next year. This summer, I'll be savoring every ounce of free time. I have a few plans up my sleeve...
In effort to do something productive, I'll most likely begin to research charities for my 10th grade service hours. I hope to find something and maybe even get a head start on the hours. Anything else productive? Is blogging productive? My sister asked me if I might be taking a break from it this summer...no! The exact opposite. I really hope to put my all into it. I'm thinking fun city excursions, recipes / how-to's / DIY's, and outfit posts galore. I'm also researching some photography classes I might want to take! Teaching myself Photoshop? Why not?
I really cannot wait to get a break from school. I feel like I'm up to my head in work lately..I've been so busy this week I haven't been able to get any posts up! Expect to see little of me for the next two weeks. And then, voila, freedom! You'll probably be seeing too much of me, come June. Join in on the fun, why don't you?
What are you up to this summer? Share, I'd love to hear!
xx MGR