Life Lately

Let's chat! Let's take a deep breath and have a little chat.
Life lately is getting a little hectic. More than a little .. a lot hectic. I think I've had something planned every single weekend since August. That's insane. And even when I have a few free minutes, my time is probably spent sitting still.

So where is the sudden on-spurt of my-hair's-a-mess-and-I-can't-think-straight chaos coming from? My sister's getting married in 11 [ eleven ] days !! The double exclamation points are used out of excitement, nervousness, stress - butterflies-flying-throughout-my-entire-body excitement and nervousness and stress.

We all knew that planning a wedding in eight months would be hard, but nothing that we - as a team - couldn't tackle. We're tackling it, for sure, but my goodness is it exhausting! Fun - so so so fun - but exhausting. I couldn't have asked for a more thrilling and joyous way to spend the months, days, and weeks in between the day they were engaged and the day they will be married.

That combined with school has been daunting. Few and far between are the moments I get to catch my breath and center myself. The gory details of this I will not bore you with .. I can't even bear to bore myself with them. But what this all comes down to is that right now, in this point in time, there's not room for anything else. My brain is full, my body is tired.

So, this is just a warning (and explanation) that blog posts will be sporadic over the next 11 days. Beginning the following week, I hope to be back to my usual blog grind! Instagram and Twitter is included .. the two have been neglected out of pure exhaustion, but they'll be getting their well deserved attention very soon.

xoxo MGR

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