
Hello everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying this long weekend and is catching some R&R, like me. Mary has been quite active on the blog, while I just have been so swamped, I haven't even been able to keep up with Grey's Anatomy! But here I am..and wearing tortoise shell!

This week I made a very big purchase..I got glasses! I am very nervous about wearing them back to school this Tuesday, but also excited! I have always admired people in glasses; I feel like they're the ones who are going to find the cure to cancer, or maybe even design the most memorable print for Lilly Pulitzer. Here are some of my favorite four-eyed inspirations!

Hanna Seabrook of GADABOUT
Carly Heitlinger of The College Prepster
Mackenzie Horan of Design Darling

Alexa and Charlotte of my iPhone

Me rocking my new spectacles! Thank you, Haley, for taking the photo.

Have you ever wanted glasses?

xx CMK


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