Halfway there (err..kinda): September/October Recap

Rabbit Rabbit! Happy November. This can only mean one thing: I'm halfway to Christmas break. #yes

I've laughed and cried harder than ever before...These two months have been a little bit of everything. I've made new friends and become closer with my old ones. Overall, I've learned a lot.

I can't even begin to describe to you that feeling in the pit of your stomach when your uncle you haven't seen since Christmas asks you how high school is, meanwhile you've only been there for two days and hate it. felt so lost...the faces were so unfamiliar. It gave me anxiety out the roof. But two months later, it's completely spun around.

I love coming home and telling my mom about my new friends and my favorite class with my favorite teacher. I'm starting to realize all the positive factors. I actually do have friends...it's such an obvious concept, but it really makes all the difference. They're a familiar face and open ears when you get your math test back and the whole page is marked up in red pen. That aspect of high school has not been easy for me. I'm not used to not getting 99%'s on every single test. I covered this whole topic in this post...but so much more time and effort is needed for tests, projects, and even simple homework assignments. Not that I don't want to put in all the time and effort, it's just taking me some adjusting. And a lot of time management skills.

Meanwhile, finding real time to myself has been a struggle. Until last night, I hadn't seen CMK in a month. That's crazy! My weekends are pretty nonexistent. I feel like I spent every Friday and Saturday night babysitting. Or doing homework. Or homework while babysitting. And if I'm not doing that over the weekend, I'm most likely sleeping. Sleep is very valuable nowadays.

And on top of all of this, I think my best friend and I have become even closer. So we've been buds since kindergarten. I think we've been pretty inseparable since 7th grade. And luckily we ended up in high school together, which has brought us closer, if it's even possible. I literally think we're the same exact person...never do we get sick of each other, or fight, or keep a secret. We're on the same page in regards to literally everything. She's been my life saver. She's the first person I look for when I'm having a bad day...she can cheer me up by cracking jokes and making funny faces, or having a full on heart-to-heart crossing Park Ave. And it all totally works for us.

I've had a lot of 'rocks' since school started. Caroline, Noel (^), my parents...who by the way are the most understanding people on the universe and I'd be donezo without them. And this blog has been my rock! It's so relieving to have a place to write about whatever I want, free from judgement and a teacher giving me a grade. So thanks to anyone reading this - whether you follow us, check back often for these posts, or just happen to click on a link somewhere, you're awesome.

Let the countdown to Christmas begin!!

xx MGR

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