14 FOR 2014 UPDATE :: JULY

Remember this little post from New Years? And the subsequent monthly posts? No, actually. I forgot. Forgive me. The last time I updated you all on my goals for the year was in March. I distinctly remember March being a particularly difficult month. And apparently so were April, May, and June. I guess this makes sense. I was finishing up my freshman year of high school, and life itself threw a few curveballs. Let's see what - if any - progress I've made in these three dormant months, shall we?
#1 | redo my room

#2 | run over two miles without stopping
This I have a real excuse for, I promise! Rewind to the spring - I'm playing (the word playing is used loosely here) varsity (so is varsity) lacrosse, under extreme stress to complete end-of-year assignments, and experiencing constant stomach pain/discomfort. Blaming the stomach nonsense and the brain fatigue on school and the stress it brings, a doctor's appointment was procrastinated until the end of May. Lots of bloodwork and a week of exams later, Lyme's Diseases tests come back positive. I was given this bittersweet (bitter, because, well, Lyme's sucks; sweet, because finally there's an answer) news within 15 minutes of picking up the antibiotics I would have to be on for thirty days. And here we are. Here's why this is all relevant: the Lyme's itself was keeping me, subconsciously, away from exercising, and once I was diagnosed, the antibiotics took all that was even left in me right out. And so, I have yet to go on a run for the first time since January. Hopefully I'll get back into it soon.

#3 | read (at least) one book per month
Exams -> summer. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice, but really only because I have to.

#4 | cross a concert off my bucket list
Governor's Ball - singlehandedly making my summer totally worth it. I saw Vampire Weekend, crossing off the second entry on my concert bucket list, (which, by the way, is in need of an update itself..stay tuned for that!).

#5 | expand The Two Little Elephants
I'm working on this one, promise!

#6 | improve photography skills
I last-minute decided the summer would probably be a good opportunity to crack down on this. I found a camp that would've been really great, except, just my luck, I was already scheduled to be away during the week it was in session. Hoping and wishing and praying I get into the photography elective come September!

#7 | get a summer job
Nope. Next year, my friends.

#8 | create a functioning closet set-up

#9 | play varsity lacrosse
Don't remind me...

#10 | explore a new place
I visited Quogue for the first time last weekend! Hopefully more exploring is in the cards (I'm thinking a weekend in Charleston sometime soon!)

#11 | actually finish a needlepoint
I forgot about this entirely. Determined to get the Christmas ornament done by October. Determined.

#12 | keep my room orderly at.all.times
My room went through a rough stage towards the end of school. It's in a better place now, though. Decluttering is next on the list in this department.

#13 | post (at least) one outfit post a month
The proof is in the pudding! JAN, FEB, APR, MAY, JUN

#14 | save $x,xxx
 With busy summer weekends, babysitting's been put on the back burning. But I do intend on knocking this goal outta the park.

Are you keeping up with your goals?
xx MGR

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